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Chestnut export agent declaration - Customs to help Dandong chestnut export to foreign countries, the real "sweet" out of foreign countries

  Recently, a batch of fresh-preserved chestnuts weighing 56 tons have passed the Dandong Customs inspection and will be packed for export。

  To ensure that chestnuts go out of the country smoothly,Dandong Customs uses the enterprise coordinator system,Organize the assessors to give field guidance in the filing process,Improve the corporate food safety main responsibility awareness,Give enterprises targeted suggestions on quality management system, pesticide use management, traceability system, etc.At the same time, through the "mutual recognition of the same product test results" and other measures to reduce testing costs for enterprises,Reduce business operating costs;For foreign food access threshold is high,Dandong Customs yesExport preserved chestnutsProducts are tested for pests and diseases, strict product quality control, and help chestnut move to the table of foreign consumers。

Chestnut export agent declaration - Customs to help Dandong chestnut export to foreign countries, the real

  With the smooth export of more and more Dandong chestnut, the full grain of Dandong chestnut is really "sweet" to the hearts of foreign consumers。According to statistics, since the beginning of this year, Dandong Customs area exported a total of 221 batches of chestnut export customs declaration products, weighing 4,309 tons, the value of 10.14 million US dollars。

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