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Announcement on the release of the revised content of Notes on Import and Export Tariff Commodities and Items (sixth and seventh issues)

      The Notes to the Harmonized System of Commodity Names and Codes (hereinafter referred to as the Notes to the Harmonized System) is an important part of the implementation of the Harmonized System by the World Customs Organization。On the basis of the Harmonized System Note, China has formulated the Import and Export Tariff Commodities and Items Note (hereinafter referred to as the Tariff Note) as an important basis for the classification of China's commodities。

  Recently, the Coordination System Committee of the World Customs Organization has revised part of the Notes on the Coordination System. In this connection, China Customs has revised the relevant contents of the Notes on Tariff Rates simultaneously and hereby publishes them (please refer to the annex for details).。

  The above amendments will take effect from December 1, 2020。

  Hereby announce。

  Attached download attachment:Revised Notes to Import and Export Tariff Commodities and Items (Issues VI & VII).doc

Source: General Administration of Customs

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