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What are the charges for customs clearance of personal items?

  During graduation season, many students who study abroad plan to return home。They need to dispose of a lot of personal belongings。Do they throw it away, give it away or take it home?As a result, the items they have used for several years, which are precious memories of their youth, are easily discarded。
  If you bring it home, you will face a series of shipping, customs clearance and customs clearance problems。Money is not scarce, and the process is not necessarily smooth。Some students choose to fly to the airport in their city and go through customs themselves。Under this principle, the customs stipulates the limit of each individual postal items, the amount of tax exemption, and the embargoes and restrictions on postal items。The Customs shall inspect inbound and outbound articles by post in accordance with the law, and levy taxes, return goods or exempt them in accordance with the regulations。
  In the same package, if the total tax of declared value is less than 50 yuan, all items in the package can enjoy duty-free customs clearance。Such as bags, clothes and so on。(Limited proportion of milk powder, food and health care products)。According to different items, the tax rate will have different restrictions on the number of packages, and the packaged items will be limited within the scope of tax exemption。If the specified range is exceeded, actual reimbursement is required。At the same time, the same batch of the same recipient can only receive a package worth 1,000 yuan。
  Personal effects import clearance process
Personal effects clearance process
  Basic tax standards for customs clearance
  Different commodity categories, tax rates are different, common products personal postal tax rates are as follows
  First, food, electronic products, toys, etc., the tax rate is generally 13% of the declared value of the commodity;
  Second, small household appliances, clothes, hats, shoes, bags, toiletry, etc., the tax rate is generally 25% of the declared value of the item;
  Third, cosmetics, high-value items, etc., the tax rate is generally 55% of the declared value of the item。
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